Discover Classes

Discover Classes

Church is more than a place we go. It’s the family we find when we connect to Jesus and each other. Learn what it means to be part of God’s family and uncover the unique gifts you bring to His church. Come discover Crosspoint!

101: Discover Crosspoint

Learn more about the Crosspoint Church Family. You were designed to be part of a church family, and that is exactly what Crosspoint is intended to be – your family. A healthy family has common beliefs, purposes and commitments. That is what this class is all about, we want to share with you what we believe and where we are going.

201: Discover New Habits

Spiritual Maturity is about knowing, loving and growing in Christ. This class will teach you how to share, serve and honor Christ with your life.

301: Discover My S.H.A.P.E.

Learn what the Bible says about ministry and Crosspoint’s strategy for ministry. We will take a look a the Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Attitudes, Personality and Experiences that shape the “real” you. We believe that once you understand who God made you to be, you will understand what God made you to do.

401: Discover Generous Living

During Discover Generous Living you will learn more about giving through your time, talents and treasure. We will cover timeless financial principles and build a plan to take the next step in your generosity.