Home Point

Home Point Resources

Below, you can access all of our amazing Home Point Resources for your family.

One Step at A Time

One of our core values at Crosspoint Community Church is that God designed the family as the primary place for faith and character formation. We seek to inspire, equip and assist you to become intentional about building a God-honoring home one step at a time. Home Point exists to create a culture of intentional families using three simple objectives.

Make It Easy

We hope to make it easy for you to become intentional at home by providing bite-sized, life-season specific ideas and resources.

Make It Likely

We hope to make it more likely that you will become intentional by nudging you to incorporate holy habits into your existing family-life routines.

Give It A Clear Path

We coach parents to nurture the faith of their children one step at a time using birthday specific Faith Path kits.

Home Point is designed to help you take simple steps toward creating a God-honoring home. Since most of us are called to worship God through the intimacy of marriage and the blessing of children, we need to understand the purpose and priority of family life.

Every marriage is intended to be a masterpiece reflecting THE marriage between God and His people.

(Genesis 1:27Genesis 15Jeremiah 3Ephesians 5:22-33, Revelations 21:9)

Those blessed with the gift of children and grandchildren are called to disciple the next generation as life’s greatest honor and highest priority.

(Exodus 20Deuteronomy 6Psalm 78:1-8Ephesians 6:1-4)

A strong Christian family attracts the next generation and next door neighbor to Christ as The Word becomes flesh and blood and we conform our lives to the image and example of Christ.

(John 1:14Philippians 21 Timothy 31 John 3:16)

  • Young adults can become intentional about their future.
  • Couples can work toward becoming one and create times of connection to thrive.
  • Parents can launch simple faith formation routines.
  • Grandparents can use their significant influence to point the next generation toward God.

We encourage families to take a Home Point appraisal several times a year to help you assess how intentional you have been at home and what small steps you can take next.  Click on the steps below to get started now!

Home Point exists to increase the likelihood that you will . . .

  • Build a Life-Long, Thriving Marriage
  • Introduce Your Kids to Jesus
  • Launch your Teens as committed followers of Jesus